

Adverse Drug Reaction Awareness campaign

#medsafetyweek is celebrated by 32 regulatory agencies worldwide Did you know that reporting side effects helps the safe use of medicines for everyone, leading to new health warnings addressed to patients and to summaries of product characteristics’ revision? The 2018 Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Awareness week is specially addressed to reporting side effects in children and pregnant women. If you’re a mother, or if you’re pregnant, be aware and follow your doctor’s recommendations: take your medicine in the right dose, and as instructed.


Early diagnosis is the key message for World COPD Day

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease affects around 250 million people worldwide according to the WHO Numbers from the World Health Organization (WHO) may be scary but leave no doubt: 250 million people worldwide suffer from COPD, a respiratory disease which has high levels of death and underdiagnosed cases. COPD does not have a cure, but treatment can relief symptoms, improve quality of life and reduce risk of death. Early diagnosis is crucial, that’s why the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) theme for 2018 is “Never too early, never too late”.


BIAL at the International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders 2018

The event took place in Hong Kong, China, from October 5th-9th 2018 BIAL was the major sponsor of the International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, the annual meeting of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (MDS), featuring a Symposium and the presentation of 11 posters on opicapone, the second medicine of BIAL’s own research and development for Parkinson's Disease. The Satellite Symposium on the theme “Targeting COMT as the levodopa add-on treatment for Parkinson’s Disease” took place on the 6th October, with 380 attendees. It included an expert panel, chaired by Professor Werner Poewe (Innsbruck, Austria) and composed by Professor Matthew Stern (Philadelphia, USA); Professor Olivier Rascol (Toulouse, France) and Professor Daniela Berg (Kiel, Germany).


BIAL was distinguished with DIT Business Awards

British Government awards the Portuguese investment in the UK BIAL was one of companies distinguished with the DIT Business Awards, an initiative of the British Government which rewards the Portuguese investment in the UK and also the investment made by British companies in Portugal. BIAL was awarded in the "International Expansion" category. Last October 3rd, the British Government honored 15 Portuguese companies which invest in the UK, and 12 British companies which successfully develop their activity in the Portuguese market.



PEOPLE WITH PARKINSON'S DANCE TO THEIR OWN RHYTHM TO PROMOTE TOLERANCE BIAL launches video for World Parkinson's Day BIAL invited award-winning north-American Parkinson’s movement coach and choreographer Pamela Quinn to work with people with Parkinson Disease (PD) and create a video for World Parkinson’s Day, on April 11th, focused on mutual respect – and proving in the meantime that people with Parkinson’s can truly be inspiring. People have different rhythms: some are faster, some are slower. But who’s to say which one is correct? In a perfect world, everyone respects each other. But in this fast-paced world we live in, that isn’t always the case for thousands of people with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) all around the world, who sometimes just need an extra couple of minutes to perform daily tasks.


BIAL leads the investment in R&D in Portugal

Data from "2017 EU Industrial RD Investment Scoreboard" According to the “2017 EU Industrial RD Investment Scoreboard”, BIAL is the Portuguese Company with the highest investment in R&D– 38.7 million Euros – 445th position at the TOP 1000 European companies with the highest investment in R&D. BIAL leads the small group of Portuguese companies in this ranking published by the European Comission, which includes companies such as Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Energias de Portugal and Crédito Agrícola.


BIAL signed Exclusive Licensing Agreements for Eslicarbazepine Acetate and Opicapone in South Korea

The partnership with two South Korean companies marks BIAL’s entry in another Asian market BIAL signed two Exclusive Licensing Agreements for Eslicarbazepine Acetate and Opicapone - its innovative products for Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Disease, respectively -, in South Korea. BIAL signed an exclusive licensing agreement with WhanIn Pharm. Co., Ltd. for the importation, packaging and commercialization of Eslicarbazepine Acetate. Regarding Opicapone, a similar agreement was signed with SK Chemicals Co., Ltd.


“Enhancing the Mind” is the theme of the 12th Symposium of the BIAL Foundation

From 4th-7th April 2018, in Casa do Médico, Porto – Online registration already open! The online registration for the 12th “Behind and Beyond the Brain” Symposium is already open! It will take place from 4th-7th April 2018, in Porto, under the theme “Enhancing the Mind”. From doping to brain training, from meditation to brain stimulation, the idea that the mind can be empowered to increase cognitive capacity, well-being, or health is currently a major challenge to research.


BIAL has a new corporate image

BIAL has renewed its corporate identity with a new image and a new claim reflecting BIAL’s positioning, but also the core values and aspirations of the group. The new corporate image is based on the company's commitment to innovation and its path and evolution in recent years. The brand's new signature, Keeping life in mind., common to all markets where BIAL operates, translates the commitment and permanent effort in the search for new therapeutic solutions and the contribution to the improvement of the quality of life and of people's health.
